Job Opportunities

Guidance Counselor/Social Worker Openings

Note: Click on a job title to learn more about the position.

Position TitleJob NumberJob DescriptionPay Scale
Community Schools Coordinator (Substance Prevention)24-195


Work involves responsibility for planning and implementing systems of support for students and families in the school community. This includes conducting a school/district needs assessment and using the results to develop local plans aligned to the characteristics of community schools – family and community engagement, integrated student supports, community-based learning, expanded and enriched learning opportunities, and collaborative leadership. The incumbent will help school districts establish partnerships with community organizations and other service providers to support the school’s needs related to substance use prevention. Community School Coordinators work within assigned schools to develop and implement the community school model. Although specific duties are defined by the needs of the school in which a coordinator serves, for this position the duties will include:


  • Work with school administration to develop and implement substance use prevention strategies
  • Serve on assigned school teams representing prevention efforts
  • Provide leadership to promote the community school prevention planning and implementation
  • Facilitate focus groups of administrators, teachers, school staff, parents, and students identifying areas of strength and challenges within the school related to substance and substance use prevention
  • Incorporate cultural competency to interoperate and tailor prevention strategies prevention to specific student populations or communities
  • Develop an inventory that outlines resources and gaps in service

Development of Partnerships:

  • Utilize data from the district's prevention needs assessment, or alternative data source, to recruit and organize partnerships to meet school needs.
  • Align community and school resources to ensure coherence without duplication of services

Family Engagement:

  • Direct family engagement and involvement in collaboration with school staff and administration.
  • Develop opportunities to allow underrepresented parents a voice while providing schools with needed feedback from parents traditionally disengaged from school.
  • Develop and facilitate events that are designed to bring families together for fun and sharing


  • Maintain records and data necessary for program evaluation.
  • Supervise data collection from interns and volunteers.
  • Facilitate organization and oversight of any necessary paperwork required by the school district
$52,982 Minimum + DOE per BTA Contract
Guidance Counselor - (10 month)24-134

10 Month Position


  • Individual and group counseling of high school students to explain graduation requirements and present the CTE classes to potential students
  • Liaison activities with several local school districts – membership in BTCA is a requirement
  • Organize and support orientation and intake for Alternative High School students
  • Help all Alternative High School students complete and plan for the required high school credits and potential college courses needed for success in their program of choice
  • Help organize mentoring opportunities for students
  • Develop and guide students in career awareness, planning, and post-secondary transitioning
  • Familiarity/training with student database systems
  • Collaboration with ISMT on enrollment and CSE meetings
  • Input on Master Schedule
Minimum $52,982 + DOE per BTA Contract

Broome-Tioga BOCES does not discriminate in employment, admission, or in the education programs and activities it operates, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, marital status, military status, sex, age, weight, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnic group, religious practice, disability or predisposing genetic characteristic in violation of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S. C. 12111 et. Seq. known as the Americans with Disabilities Act or section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, New York Human Rights Law, and the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act of 2001. Anyone who believes BOCES or its staff has failed to apply, or has inadequately applied the principles or regulations of (1) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (2) Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972, (3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (4) the Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act of 2002, or any other relevant statute or regulation, may bring forward a complaint, called a grievance, to the Director of Human Resources/ Compliance Officer, Robin Eccleston, by contacting (607) 766-3823, or, or by mail to: Broome-Tioga BOCES, Robin Eccleston, Human Resources Director/ Compliance Officer, 435 Glenwood Road, Binghamton, NY 13905. One can also file a grievance by mail with the Office of Civil Rights, New York Office, U.S. Department of Education, 32 Old Slip, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10005-2500, or by phone (646)428-3843, or by email to