Job Number25-104
Seeking special education teachers to provide direct instruction to students with disabilities in various programs. BT BOCES provides programs for students on track to receive a Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential (SACC) and students who are on a diploma tract in both self-contained and inclusive settings. Students served (K-12) include individuals with significant developmental and intellectual disabilities, social/emotional needs, behavior management needs and/or learning differences. Key responsibilities include:
Please note that after you complete your registration on our online site (Recruitfront), YOU MUST APPLY for any positions you are interested in. Your Recruitfront registration alone is NOT an application for employment with Broome-Tioga BOCES. You must apply to a specific job number/job title after completing the first step of registration. You will receive a confirmation email after you have completed your application properly. THANK YOU for your interest in employment at Broome-Tioga BOCES!