Summer School Teachers - P-Tech Summer Bridge | 25-130 | July 7 - July 24, 2025 MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: - Health, Math, Science, Engineering, Computer Science Education
- Work with P-TECH students for professional skills training.
- Co-Teaching with core subject area teachers.
- Provide instruction for strong foundation in high school Algebra and Living Environment.
- Schedules vary based on grade level.
| $40/hr |
Summer School Certified/Teaching Staff - 2025 | 25-128 | SUMMER SCHOOL CERTIFIED TEACHING STAFF Greater Binghamton Health Center - Adolescent Day Treatment (8:1+1) BOCES Education Center (8:1+1, 12:1+4) BOCES West Learning Center (6:1+1 Reclaim) (Crossroads 8:1+1) July 7 - August 15, 2025 2025 SUMMER POSITIONS 1 | Medicaid Coordinator | $40/hr | 53 | Teachers - Special Ed Certified | $40/hr | 5 | Counselors/Social Workers | $40/hr | 11 | Speech Therapists | $40/hr | 2 | Art Teachers | $40/hr | 2 | Music Teachers | $40/hr | 3 | Coordinators/Team Leaders | $40/hr | 1 | Teaching Assistants | $27/hr | 4 | Physical Education Teachers | $40/hr | *All positions dependent upon student enrollment needs* | $40/hr Teachers |
Summer School Civil Service Staff - 2025 | 25-127 | SUMMER SCHOOL CIVIL SERVICE STAFF Greater Binghamton Health Center - Adolescent Day Treatment (8:1+1) BOCES Education Center (8:1+1, 12:1+4) BOCES West Learning Center (6:1+1 Reclaim) (8:1+1 Crossroads) July 7 - August 15, 2025 2025 SUMMER POSITIONS 5 | Nurses | $40/hr RN/$27/hr LPN | 2 | Interpreters (additional one-on-one if necessary) | $25/hr | 8 | Occupational Therapists or Occupational Therapist Assistants | $40/hr OT/$27/hr OTA | 5 | Physical Therapists or Physical Therapist Assistants | $40/hr PT/$27/hr PTA | 6 | Therapeutic Support Specialists | $17.50/hr | 35 | Monitors | $17/hr | 175 | Teacher Aides | $15.80/hr | *All positions dependent upon student enrollment needs* | $15.50/hr + depending on position applied for |
Regional Summer School Clerical, Monitors & Proctors | 25-126 | MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: Clerical – Maintaining record documentation of students and staff School Monitors – Helping to secure the safety and well-being of students Proctors – Assisting with Regents exam testing in August | $15.50/hr + depending on position applied for |
Regional Summer Teachers/Proctors/Scorers - 2025 | 25-125 | MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: Grades 9-12 subject areas (tentative) English, Mathematics, Social Studies, all Sciences, Foreign Language, Physical Education, and other subjects as necessary Proctors & Scorers – for Regents exam testing in August | $40.00/hr for Certified Teachers |
Summer Enrichment Teachers - STEAM - 2025 | 25-124 | July 14 - July 24, 2025 MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: - Math, Art, Science & Technology Education.
- Work with district teachers to provide summer STEAM activities
| $40/hr |
Summer Enrichment Teachers - CTE Elementary - 2025 | 25-123 | July 14 - July 24, 2025 MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: - Career and Technical Education and Elementary.
- Work with 5th grade students for technical career exposure
- Co-teaching with core subject area teachers
| $40/hr |
Special Education Teachers (10 month) (continuous recruitment) | 25-104 | Seeking special education teachers to provide direct instruction to students with disabilities in various programs. BT BOCES provides programs for students on track to receive a Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential (SACC) and students who are on a diploma tract in both self-contained and inclusive settings. Students served (K-12) include individuals with significant developmental and intellectual disabilities, social/emotional needs, behavior management needs and/or learning differences. Key responsibilities include: - Design, facilitate, implement and monitor progress of IEP goals
- Utilize evidence-based instructional strategies and methods, including differentiation, to meet diverse student needs
- Structure the student environment in order to provide a supportive educational setting that maximizes student potential
- On-going collaboration with the student’s team to ensure the provision of quality services
- Support students to achieve high expectations
- Accurately complete all paperwork related to provided services in a timely manner as mandated by New York State and school policies and procedures
| Minimum $52,982 + DOE per BTA Contract |
Speech Language Pathologist (4 Positions) | 24-142 | Commencing September 2024 MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: Seeking Speech Language Pathologist to provide speech therapy services to students with disabilities ages 5-21 in a center-based school setting. Key responsibilities include: - Provide both direct and consultative services to students related to student specific IEP goals
- Utilize evidence-based strategies and methods to meet diverse student needs
- Work closely and collaboratively with faculty and staff to ensure they understand the needs of the student and how they can support these needs in the classroom
- Accurately complete all paperwork related to provided services in a timely manner as mandated by New York State and school policies and procedure
| Minimum $52,982 + DOE per BTA Contract |
Teacher of the Visually Impaired | 22-204 | Position Description: Seeking teacher of the visual impaired to provide direct instruction to students with visual impairments. BT BOCES provides services for students on track to receive a Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential (SACC) and students who are on a regent’s diploma tract in both self-contained and general ed settings. Students served (K-12) include individuals with significant developmental and intellectual disabilities, social/emotional needs, behavior management needs and/or learning differences. Key responsibilities include: - Work in pull-out individual sessions, support with push-in services as appropriate and collaborate with classroom teachers regularly
- Identifies, develops, and implements appropriate instructional strategies, materials, equipment, and environmental factors that will maximize a student’s visual functioning
- Conducts functional vision assessments
- Interprets eye/medical reports and shares information with team members.
- Provides training/information for school personnel and parents regarding the needs of students with visual impairments
- Design, facilitate, implement, and monitor progress of IEP goals
- On-going collaboration with the student’s team to ensure the provision of quality services
- Accurately complete all paperwork related to provided services in a timely manner as mandated by New York State and school policies and procedures
| Minimum $52,982 + DOE per BTA Contract |